Saturday 12th
& Sunday 13th November 2016
Moor High School
Field End Grove
Selby Road
Leeds LS15 0PT
An English Chess Federation
supported Grand Prix event | Entries - Steve Burton (0113)
Tournament Secretary - Brent Kitson
anniversary year (1986-2016)British Rapidplay Chess Event.
Congratulations to our
winners in the Open
Richard Bates and Lorin D’Costa
Also congratulations to our
Junior under 11 champions
This makes 2 consecutive
years where the top prize was shared in both tournaments.
There is a 4NCL tournament
in the new year in Harrogate
Entry details here
12th FIDE Rated Congress
Fri 6 - Sun 8 Jan 2017
Old Swan Harrogate,
Road, Harrogate,
North Yorkshire, HG1 2SR.
Three Sections
FIDE Rated Open
FIDE Rated U2000 (U175)
ECF Under 135
Prize fund £2,925
Important note
Permission MUST be asked for before any use
of mains power for chargers/laptops, etc.
Permission will only ever be given to P.A.T.
tested equipment showing a valid sticker.
Battery power is fine,
just remember to charge your stuff before coming.
This applies to everyone, even arbiters
must comply as it’s a school rule.
"Have your laptop/tablet/netbook
PAT tested by a professional on site from 10am til 12
noon november 12th at The British Rapidplay
Chess event.
Please note that to
use laptops/netbooks/tablets/phones/mains/plugs chargers.
All equipment must be
PAT tested. The fee for the service is £2.50 per piece of equipment"